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Water Security
2008/4/7 9:48:00         关键字:      浏览量:


    GuardianBlue is an early warning monitoring system designed to help cities protect their drinking water systems from terrorist contamination attacks and other threats. Developed by the Hach Company of Loveland, Colorado, the system has received SAFETY Act Designation and Certification from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It uses patented event monitor technology to detect, alert, and classify contaminants, including cyanide, pesticides, Ricin, and VX. The system can alert operators to threat agents, contamination, and operational issues before they spread or impact the entire water system. It integrates multiple sensor outputs from the Water Panel and TOC Analyzer. Every 60 seconds, it applies an algorithm to the sensor measurements, calculating a site’s water quality baseline, and alarms when the trigger signal exceeds a user-set threshold.





    为了协助全世界各城市保护饮用水免受恐怖组织污染和其他恶劣行为的威胁,科罗拉多州的Guardian Blue公司成功开发了饮用水预警监控系统,并已通过了美国国土安全部的安全法案测试和认证。此系统采用了Guardian Blue公司特有的监控专利技术,可以有效的对一些污染物,包括氰化物、杀虫剂、篦麻毒素以及甲硫膦酸丙胺乙酯等,进行探测、警示和分类。同时,可以对那些将要向供水系统中排入有害物体的实施者提出警示,制止他们的恶劣行为。每一个安全系统均集成有多层次输出感应器和TOC分析仪,每隔60秒,系统便会对流经的水质做一次分析,根据分析数据判断水质的优劣,尤其是当有害物质倾入到用户设置的界限时,系统会即刻发出警报,提示采取必要措施。