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S2 Security Version 4.7 NetBox Software
2015/12/15 9:39:00   中国安防行业网      关键字:S2,Security,software      浏览量:

      S2 Security, a developer of IP-based access control, video management and mobile security management systems, announced Version 4.7 NetBox software with an all new user interface. NetBox 4.7 streamlines workflows and brings one-click access to key system functionality to simplify the user's experience, the company says. The new interface features one-click access to previously viewed pages and an alarm resolution report to track how long it takes operators to respond to alarms, among other things. It also features customized menus for quick access to specific pages. There's also a system health monitoring feature that can alert users if an S2 network node has low backup battery capacity or low voltage

  S2 Security NetBox4.7版软件
  S2 Security是一家基于IP的出入口控制,视频管理和移动安全管理系统的开发商,其发布了具有全新用户界面的NetBox4.7版软件。NetBox 4.7简化了工作流程,并且带来了一键访问系统功能,从而简化了用户体验。新界面的功能包括一键访问之前浏览过的网页,产生一个报警解决报告以追踪运营商需要多久才能对报警做出响应,以及其他功能。它还具有自定义菜单,用于快速访问特定的页面。该软件还具有一个系统健康监测功能,如果一个S2网络节点的备用电池电量过低或电压过低它便会自动提醒用户。