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Video management software
2016/10/11 11:02:00         关键字:Video management software      浏览量:


    Video management software

  Bosch has released its Video Management System 7.0 software. Bosch VMS 7.0 allows security operators to manage high-resolution video streams in their day-to-day work, the developers say. In places like metro stations and airports with many cameras and high-resolution video data, if a workstation is overloaded, the client application will often lag, the firm points out. Yet security operators may need to view many cameras at once for an overview of a site, such as an airport terminal.

  With the new VMS 7.0, the user is able to keep multiple UHD (Ultra?HighDefinition) cameras open without having to worry about slowing downthe application, says Bosch.Its VMS 7.0 automatically shows the optimalvideo resolution on the screen. If an operator needs to view manycameras at the same time, the VMS automatically uses a lower-resolution stream. When enhanced pictures are required to zoom in orview on a full screen, for instance, a higher-resolution stream is automatically chosen. This feature uses the multi-streamcapabilities available on Bosch IP video cameras and runs on existing workstations.

  The VMS features encrypted communication between Bosch cameras and the Video Management System. A security manager can choose to encrypt all control communications and videos through a secure HTTPS connection, reducing the risk of the system being hacked. The software also offers an IT security guide which explains how to set up a secure system. The document describes how to configure the VMS for Windows operating systems and how to secure video cameras against unauthorised access.


  Bosch发布了其7。0版的视频管理系统软件。Bosch VMS 7.0允许安全操作员在其日常生活中就能管理高分辨率的视频流。 在地铁和机场这些具有很多摄像机和高分辨率视频数据的地方,如果工作站过载,客户端应用往往会延迟。然后,安全操作员可能需要一次查看很多摄像机来观察整个场地的情况,例如机场候机楼。

