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Two-sensor camera
2017/4/3 16:40:00   中国安防行业网      关键字:Two-sensor camera      浏览量:

  Two-sensor camera

  The US-based megapixel camera manufacturer Arecont Vision is introducing a two-sensor, adjustable view (up to 360 degrees and anywhere in between) camera that offers no-touch remote setup for rapid setup and future view changes with the push of a button.

  Arecont Vision's SurroundVideo panoramic 180 and 360 degree cameras are now in their fifth generation, performance increases, and smaller sizes. In 2014 the company introduced the first omni-directional or completely adjustable view cameras, the SurroundVideo Omni series. Arecont Vision's third generation of Omni is now the G3.

  According to the makers, SurroundVideo Omni (G1) will appeal to those looking for a less expensive option that still brings the 360 degree coverage and ability to be set to 270, 180, or any other view with all four sensors positioned by the installer around the patented 360 degree omni track. Omni G2 adds remote focus/zoom, so that users can install the camera, generally position the sensors, then get off the ladder or lift to finish set-up on the ground.

  With the Omni G3, the installer only has to install the camera to a pole, emergency call box, wall, corner, or other structure indoors or out, and plug in the single IP cable. The camera can then be set up from the ground, using the integrated web browser over the local camera network. All four sensors can be positioned hands free. Each can be moved by the installer using the browser window, or they can select 180, 270, or 360 preset views and then fine tune the tilt, focus, position, and zoom.


  总部位于美国的百万像素摄像机制造商Arecont Vision公司,正在推出一款双传感器,可调节视角的摄像机(最高可调节360度)。该款摄像机可以提供用于快速的、非触摸式的远程设置,且视角随着按钮的变化而变化。

  Arecont Vision公司的SurroundVideo全景180度和360度摄像机是其第五代产品,性能更高、体积更小。2014年,公司推出了第一款全方位或完全可调节的摄像机,SurroundVideo Omni系列。Arecont Vision的Omni产品现在出到了第三代G3。

  该公司表示,SurroundVideo Omni (G1)将吸引那些更便宜的选择,但是仍能保持360的覆盖以及能够设置为270,180或任何其他视角,所有四个传感器由安装者根据360度全方Omni追踪专利来设定其位置。Omni G2增加了远程聚焦/缩放,从而使用户可以在安装摄像机、定位传感器之后从梯子或电梯下来后可以在地面上完成设置。

  而Omni G3,安装人员只需将摄像机安装在杆上,应急箱,墙壁,角落或室内室外其他结构上,并插入单个IP电缆。摄像机可以在地面上进行设置,通过集成的web浏览器来连接本地摄像机网络。所有的4个传感器都可以自由设定位置。每个传感器安装在都可以通过浏览器窗口来实现移动,或者他们可以选择180度、270度或360度视角然后微调倾斜,对焦,位置和缩放。