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AXIS Q29 Temperature Alarm Camera Series
2017/6/4 17:05:00   中国安防行业网      关键字:AXIS Q29 Temperature Alarm Camera Series      浏览量:

  AXIS Q29 Temperature Alarm Camera Series

  Axis temperature alarm cameras can be used for remote temperature monitoring with the possibility to set temperature alarms. Know the temperature wherever you are at any time of day or night. They are ideal for remote monitoring of power generating facilities, fire hazard areas or industrial processes involving self-igniting materials. It detects the temperature of an object between -40 °C to 550 °C (-40 °F to 1022 °F).

  With AXIS Q2901-E and AXIS Q2901-E PT Mount it is possible to set up multiple alarm zones, which send an alarm when the temperature reaches above or below a pre-configured threshold. To make it easy for the operator, the cameras provide visual aids, such as isothermal palettes and spot temperature capabilities, to fast predict failures by indicating problem areas before the issue becomes visible to the eye or before machinery stops working.

  AXIS Q29 系列温度报警摄像机

  AXIS温度报警摄像机能够设置温度报警,从而可用于远程温度监控。无论白天还是黑夜,您可以随时随地知晓温度。它们非常适合用于对发电站、火灾隐患区域或涉及自燃材料的工业流程进行远程监控。它们非常适合用于对发电站、火灾隐患区域或涉及自燃材料的工业流程进行远程监控。其温度侦测范围为 -40℃至 550℃(-40℉至 1022℉)。

  借助 AXIS Q2901-E 和 AXIS Q2901-E PT Mount,可以设置多个报警区,从而在温度高于或低于预设阈值时发送报警。为便于操作员操作,摄像机提供了可视化辅助功能,诸如等温调色板和点温度功能,通过在问题变得明显或在设备停止工作之前指示问题区域,从而快速预测故障。